“The Modern Family” (“Familja Moderne’”- Albanian Title) was the first Albanian TV sitcom produced by Radio Television of Kosovo in the post war era. With 10 seasons and 318 episodes in total, premiereing for the New Years Eve of 2001 and ending in June 2011, the series used to be one of the biggest hits ever produced in Albanian Television history. The sweetheart Zana (portrayed by Yllka Gashi) was one of the most loving, charismatic, funny and rebellious TV characters adored by hundreds of thousands of Albanian audiences in Kosovo and abroad.
Written by Virtyt Kelmendi, Visare Aliu, Visar Krusha, Anton Ndrecaj
Directed by Fatos Berisha, Ilir Bokshi, Mentor Shala, Visare Aliu
Produced by RTK, 2001–2011